Knights Bring St. Joseph Pilgrim Icon to Parishes
Over 800 people turned out over the five days to pray before the Icon, during Masses, Stations of the Cross, Adoration, and Benediction, and while the churches were open for private prayer.
Miraculous Medal reliefs at South Hills Catholic Academy
Our men spent the evening hanging Miraculous Medal reliefs and whiteboards in many classrooms at South Hills Catholic Academy.
Council Charity Dinner 2021
On October 20, 2021, our Council hosted our annual Charity Dinner, where we recognized the numerous charities from the South Hills and Greater Pittsburgh Area that we financially support.
Knights Participate in Parish's 50th Anniversary Festivities
It was an honor to be remembered at and invited to St. Gregory's Golden Anniversary, continuing our tradition of supporting our Eastern Catholic brethren!
2021 South Hills Council Awards
During the last council meeting of the fraternal year, the Grand Knight presented several awards to deserving brother knights who have made worthy contributions to the council.
Summerfest 2021
The enthusiastic Knights who manned the booth drew a steady stream of participants, and as a result, our booth alone contributed more than $2,000 towards the overall profits of the fair.
South Hills Council Wins Prestigious Contest of Champions Award
Our Council was honored with the Contest of Champions Award for 2019-2020.
42 Knights Attend the "Day of Knights" Strategic and Spiritual Retreat
On September 19, 2020, our council held its first-ever "Day of Knights", a strategic as well as spiritual retreat for all Council members.
50 Knights and Their Families Enjoy the Annual Summer Picnic
Over 50 members and guests of all ages enjoyed plenty of good food, including burgers and dogs, cooked fresh by our Warden and Grill Master Mike!
Knights Help Out at St. Winifred Food Bank during Coronavirus
During the Coronavirus situation, the Knights have stepped up and been busy helping our brother Knights, our parishes, and the people in the general community through various activities.
Knights Sponsor Latin Mass for the Feast of St. Valentine
On February 14, 2020, we sponsored our first-ever Extraordinary Form (Latin) Mass in honor of the titular feast of St. Valentine at St. Valentine's Church.
Knights Pack Bags for the March for Life Buses
On January 22, 2020, our Council packed 200 bags filled with goodies for the adults and kids going to the March for Life in Washington, DC, from three of our parishes.
Knight's Christmas Pilgrimage to Historic Pittsburgh Churches
Over 55 pilgrims from the South Hills visited Immaculate Heart of Mary Church, Polish Hill, Sacred Heart Church, Shadyside, and St. Stanislaus, Strip District.
Knight's 1st Degree Ceremony Welcome 13 New Knights!
On November 11, 2019, our Council conducted a memorable 1st degree where 13 new men joined our ranks. The varied degree team comprised several council members and knights from other councils.
South Hills Knights Council Charity Dinner 2019
We recognized the numerous charities from the South Hills and Greater Pittsburgh Area that we financially support. This year, we presented over $39,000 to these organizations for their work in education, social services, life issues, etc.
Welcome 20 New Knights to Council 3084!
We wish our new brothers and their families all the best and look forward to seeing them become active in our meetings and other events throughout the year.